Published: September 5, 2016   Updated: September 5, 2016

The sixth chapter of Unlocking the Magic of Facilitation, downloadable here as it’s own resource. Can be used, for example, in a facilitator training, as an assigned reading with student leaders, or for your own enjoyment.

Use it however you like!

From the chapter:

There is an indispensable rule of improv comedy that also works wonders with facilitation: the “Yes, And…” Rule. Any improviser you meet will know it, and many will explain it to you with glee. At this point, the rule is less well known in the facilitator world, and we hope to change that. Using the “Yes, And…” Rule (YAR!) in your facilitation allows multiple things to be true at the same time, it allows you to disagree without destroying someone’s reality, and it encourages participants to add their voices to the learning.

The way it works is simple: if someone says something, you agree and build onto it. Or you can think of it in the negative: when someone says something, you don’t disagree, but instead find ways to see their truth, and add yours to it.

Continue reading by downloading the chapter by clicking above.

Written by FacilitatingXYZ Team

This is the account that the FacilitatingXYZ team uses. FacXYZ is co-facilitated by Meg and Sam, and brings in expertise, knowledge, and lived experience from facilitators far and wide. Read more about us here.

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