Published: May 2, 2017   Updated: May 2, 2017

Some of the team of FacilitatingXYZ got together to have a chat about a challenging, nuanced, and sometimes contentious topic: self-disclosure in facilitation.

Exploring the topic, we came up with some suggested rules for ensuring your self-disclosure is helpful and productive to your facilitation. Check out those seven rules below and much more in our show index!

Show Index

Why we’re talking about self-disclosure.
What does the phrase “self-disclosure” mean to you?
What risks are there when self-disclosing in different facilitation settings?
What factors do you take into account when deciding whether or not to self-disclose?
How do you set your boundaries when you do decide to self-disclose?
Self-disclosure rule #1 – Don’t disclose anything for the first time in front of a group.
What is a time when self-disclosure went well?
How do we respond to being asked questions that are “too personal”?
Self-Disclosure Rule #2 – Prepare in advance (What questions are you willing to answer? What anecdotes are you willing to share?)
Self-Disclosure Rule #3 – Work through your “ish” first. 
Self-Disclosure Rule #4 – Set expectations upfront. 
Self-Disclosure Rule #5 – You participants will follow your example. 
Self-Disclosure Rule #6 – Run you self-disclosures by someone you respect. 
Self-Disclosure Rule #7 – Don’t let your participants feel like Oprah!
Final thoughts. 

Want to see more of these roundtables? Want to be in on one? Let us know what you’d love to hear discussed and connect with us!

Full Transcript

In the works.

Written by FacilitatingXYZ Team

This is the account that the FacilitatingXYZ team uses. FacXYZ is co-facilitated by Meg and Sam, and brings in expertise, knowledge, and lived experience from facilitators far and wide. Read more about us here.

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